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Low Vision Management in Mississauga & Brampton, ON

Some people are born with various visual disabilities and others acquire them in life due to various diseases that may not be treatable.

Our low vision optometrists, Dr. Vishal Sud & Dr. Melanie Datta-Bose in Mississauga Vision Centre & Brampton Vision Centre has a close working relationship with the CNIB Halton/Peel and is able to provide personalized comprehensive low vision evaluations, as well as the full spectrum of low vision aids available in the market.

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Low Vision Devices

These low vision devices can be demonstrated to our patients upon their visit. Our affiliation with the Assistive Devices Program of Ontario (ADP) allows us to access 75% to 100% funding for these optical aids on behalf of our patients.

Some of these optical aids are: optical magnifiers, computer magnifiers, video magnifiers, spectacle magnifiers, telescopic magnifiers and other solutions to assist with activities of daily living of scholastic and vocational activities. You can book directly with us for a low vision consultation for yourself or family who you feel may benefit.

Our eye doctors, Dr. Vishal Sud & Dr. Melanie Datta-Bose have transformed the lives of hundreds of visually impaired children and adults by prescribing low vision aids to assist them in overcoming their barriers to daily visual function required for everyday living.

Any of our low vision eye doctors can also recommend non-optical adaptive devices, such as large-print books, audio tapes, special light fixtures, and signature guides for signing checks and documents. If necessary, your eye doctor or low vision doctor can also refer you to a counselor to help you cope with your loss of vision.

Meet Our Low Vision Eye Doctors

Dr. Vishal Sud
Dr. Melanie Datta-Bose
  • senior with magnifiying glass Thumbnail
    Low Vision is a condition where people are unable to correct their site with traditional glasses, contact lenses, surgery, or medicine.
  • Senior Man Thinking Thumbnail
    Reduced vision is defined as vision that can not be corrected completely using either contact lenses, eyeglasses, or surgery, and is blurry (at the level of at least 20/70), or limited in its view field.
  • Senior Man Magnifying Glass
    Visually-impaired people can use the same low vision aids for viewing a computer screen and reading e-mail as they do for other reading activities.